About Us

"By providing personalized and professional study abroad consulting services to students, we help them realize their dreams of becoming top universities, explore the unknown overseas world, and be fully prepared for future success."


Reasons to choose us:

Best resources:
As a powerful leader among educational institutions, Pinnacle Strategy has established internal partnerships with numerous Fortune 500 companies and 289 world-renowned universities. We provide students with the most valuable internships, research opportunities, academic competitions, and other scientific projects to enhance their background in all aspects and build the strongest competitive edge.

Exclusive customization:
We guarantee admission to prestigious international schools around the world, from cultivating students’ backgrounds in terms of GPA, standardized tests, research competitions, etc., to planning application strategies and precise school selection.

Mentors from top-tier universities:
Consultants at Pinnacle Strategy are graduates of Top 30 prestigious institutions and have years of experience working in admissions offices at Ivy League universities. They are experts well-versed in the qualifications favored by admissions officers and the admissions preferences of each colleges, assisting students in completing the most efficient and successful application plans.

Precise positioning:
Pinnacle Strategy has been deeply involved in the U.S. study abroad market, fully mobilizing educational resources and service teams in both China and the United States. With four main services including "Study Abroad, Language Tutoring, Study Tours, and Citizenship Planning," we integrate advantageous resources to create a full range of service value.

Premium essay:
Pinnacle Strategy brings together thousands of essay mentors from Top 30 universities that have doctoral degree or above, and former admissions officers from prestigious universities serve as reviewers to check the documents at all levels. Our team of foreign essay experts meticulously polish and dig deep into students' strengths to craft the most impressive and compelling application essays.

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