
Education experience


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Collaborations with world-renowned schools


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About Us

Pinnacle Strategy

Pinnacle Strategy, a subsidiary of Bin Le Hui, is a renowned consulting company specializing in admissions to elite schools. Leveraging over two decades of expertise and insights from the group, we have gathered admissions officers and outstanding alumni from prestigious institutions such as Columbia University, Cornell University, and the University of Pennsylvania to provide the most professional academic guidance and superior consulting strategies for our students.

Headquartered in New York, Pinnacle Strategy has branches in multiple major cities in mainland China. Setting ourselves apart from traditional intermediary agencies, we have over 100 dedicated senior consultants who are well-versed in the admissions processes and preferences of top-tier institutions, focusing on application strategies and guidance tailored to U.S. universities. With our local advantages and partnerships with nearly 100 global universities, we offer our students more personalized, professional, and considerate consultation. Through in-depth research and understanding of various programs, we have successfully assisted thousands of students in gaining admission to top-tier universities worldwide. Pinnacle Strategy is your guide and guardian on the journey to studying abroad, accompanying you to the pinnacle of success.

A+ school
top 20

Counseling Services

Personalized Plans

We provide personalized solutions tailored to each student's circumstance.

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Our Team of Experts

Pinnacle Strategy has a professional consulting team composed of professors, admissions officers, interviewers, and experts with qualifications in adolescent educational psychology from various renowned universities in the United States.


Advisor of International Relations Program, University of Pennsylvania


Director of the Department of Economics at Queens College, University of Cambridge; Reviewer for multiple top economic journals including the Quarterly Journal of Economics (QJE)


Former Chairman of the European Finance Association; Renowned editor of SSCI journals; Research findings have been reported by famous media platforms such as The New York Times


Founding Director of MIT Institute for Data, Systems and Society (IDSS)


Director of the Games for Learning Institute, NYU; Director of the Consortium for Research and Evaluation of Advanced Technologies in Education (CREATE), NYU


Senior Member of IEEE, Team Leader of CyLab at Carnegie Mellon University; Member of the technical committees for several top international conferences


Visiting scholars from renowned universities such as the University of Chicago, the University of Rochester, and the WHU -Otto Beisheim School of Management in Germany; Collectively published more than 90 academic papers


Former expert in the Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences of the National Science Foundation; President of the American Evaluation Association


Formerly associate editor of the American Journal of Environmental Biology; Chairman of the editorial board of the American Journal of Reproductive Immunology

Zach S, Ph.D.,

History Professor at William & Mary with over 10 years of experience in U.S. higher education and admissions.

Successful Cases

Classmate Y University of California Los Angeles

Admission experience: I have always believed that I can get into UCLA, just as certain as falling in love with this city for the first time. My love for Los Angeles began with the movie "City of …

Classmate W Yale University

Admission experience: I have always dreamed of studying at top 10 universities like Yale, and I am very grateful for this rare opportunity. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my applicatio…

Classmate S University of California Berkeley

Admission experience: My first reaction to admission was unbelievable. As the top ranked school in the California system, I thought I could win the favor of UCLA at most, but UCB was still something I…

Classmate A

Brown University
Admitted to Brown University Student situation: Vick Forest University 3.9 SAT1530, TOEFL 115

Classmate A

University of Pennsylvania
Admitted institution: University of Pennsylvania High school enrollment: Meigao Academic background: SAT 1520+, GPA3.95

Classmate N

University of Southern California
Admitted institution: University of Southern California High school enrollment: Meigao Academic background: SAT 1500+, GPA3.9

Classmate I

University of Virginia
Admitted institution: University of Virginia High school enrollment: An international high school in Chengdu Academic background: SAT 1450+, GPA3.7, TOEFL 100+

Classmate J

Vanderbilt University
Admitted institution: Vanderbilt University High school enrollment: an international high school in Beijing Academic background: SAT 1420+, GPA3.78, TOEFL 105+

Classmate H

Washington University in St. Louis
Admitted institution: University of Washington, St. Louis High school enrollment: Meigao Academic background: SAT 1480+, GPA3.8

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