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These quirky British and American courses Full attendance doesn't seem that difficult either

Early eight people, early eight souls, early eight are all human beings. In addition to the overnight rush in the libra…


The Best New Year Gift for International Students: The University of Wisconsin Expands Enrollment by Double for International Students!

Happy New Year! Besides not being able to gather with family, the second biggest problem for international students must…


161 China US routes cancelled? A world where only international students are injured has been achieved

For international students, the significance of a return flight ticket is no less than that of a train ticket for a migr…


Good news: I graduated. Bad news: My major has been cancelled

I believe everyone has come across topics such as "graduating but the school goes bankrupt" or "successfu…


When Cyber students enjoy AP full marks

Looking back on my high school years, except for the period when I applied for college, the rest of my memories were occ…


New Year's New Weather: Four Rankings Became Three? U. S. News cancels publication of 2024 global rankings!

Presumably, some time ago, U S. The days when News released the 2024 ranking of the best universities in the United Stat…


Crispy college students break the defense: American universities withdraw their offer again in once again? Northeastern University mistakenly sent 200 offers!

Last month, Northeastern University confirmed that due to technical errors, nearly 50 incorrect admission notification e…


Stop flipping through big brother's financial projects! Come and take a look at the newly opened financial program at the University of Chicago

We are about to enter 2024, and the application for beauty research has also entered the final sprint stage. Are there s…


Countdown to ED/EA ranking! The annual selection of the Son of Heaven is about to be announced

As of December 1st, the early application stage for most American universities has ended, and I believe many students ha…


Frequent cancellation of GRE home exam scores? Come and take a look at the following precautions

The deadline for applying for graduate school is approaching, and I was suddenly informed that my home GRE score from si…


There has been a significant increase in direct flights between China and the United States, making domestic flights cheaper than rent?

Think about the time when even 100000 RMB couldn't buy a plane ticket back to China during the epidemic. Although th…


Applying for season papers but wanting to pick up any mistakes? Top 30 Low Threshold New Project Summary!

Towards the end of the application season, Xiaobin has recently received many private messages from colleagues in the ba…


Can't she become your dream school after working so hard to waive tuition fees and receive official recommendation for graduate studies?

The recent news that NYU fell out of the top 30 on US News has caused a stir among international students, and has also …


Please focus on lightning protection for the five most disliked applicants in the red and black lists of Meiben applicants!

As the application deadline approaches, Xiaobin has recently received many private messages from classmates in the backg…


2024 Fall application, the most important interview details to pay attention to, it is recommended to bookmark!

How to prepare for a beauty research interview? The obscure Kira secret is still alive! Does the interview with a beaut…


24Fall Meiben DDL Inventory: Striving for 100 Days, I Want to Top 50

I believe many 12th grade American high school students have a nightmare at the end of October every year because The E…


What is the experience of studying at the White House: JHU Official Announcement

I believe that most of the students studying in the United States attend schools located in rural areas. Although the ac…


International students must download the app, just read this one is enough

Halfway through the semester, just as you adapted to the pace of the school, you welcomed the middle week. Are you alrea…


Meiyan Zhiguang 24 Metal Industry Popular Project DDL Inventory - Here's a guide on how to avoid detours during the application season!

In the blink of an eye, October has arrived, and many graduate schools in the United States have already opened their on…


Heavyweight! 2024 US News Ranking of the Best Universities in the United States Announces the Mechanism to Reform Public Universities win thoroughly

The year 2024 is highly anticipated by international students S. The ranking of the best universities in the United Stat…


Is the application season dazzling? Let me help you summarize the Top 20 American undergraduate application materials and ddl!

In the previous issue, Xiaobin updated the application materials and deadlines for the top ten schools in the US News ra…


24Fall, the gears of fate begin to rotate! Top10 Summary of Application Materials and DDL for US version

In the blink of an eye, August is about to usher in a new round of application season. In the situation where internatio…


A must-have list for American international students at the beginning: Buy the most practical things with the least amount of money

Provincial Flow: Advance online shopping, refuse to land on the classic start of being penniless! I believe that studyi…


Famous schools also have implicit rules! The technique of getting points for applying to a US graduate school is not popular, and even a low GPA can make a comeback!

In the context of internal competition in education, the end of semester moments are always filled with countless full A…


Li Yong's Daughter Brother announces her debut as an actress after graduating from college. She, who was once ridiculed by the crowd, is now making a comeback with her beauty

Recently, the daughter of famous host Li Yong, Zheng Fatu Mai Li, officially announced her debut as an actress and parti…


Enrollment reform in the United States, no longer considering racial factors in admissions

Recently, the Supreme Court of the United States made a historic ruling: Universities cannot include race as a factor i…


Listen to me: Chinese people don't deceive Chinese people! Artificial intelligence is the current top tier of T0 CS detailed guide

Over 900 different fields of expertise, computer science ranks first in the professional rankings of top universities wo…


During the epidemic, international students have become eye-catching bags?! Returning to the Peak of Studying Abroad in the United States: International students have skyrocketed by 63%!

”More and more American undergraduate and graduate students are starting to apply early, and the competition i…


Breaking up! Brother Da permanently withdraws from the US News Ranking! How to get rid of unreliable rankings and choose schools reasonably??

“This decision is mainly due to our different values from US News, and university rankings should not be defined b…


Get five points for free on the AP exam? Exam scores or all cancellations?

A recent event that has angered and frightened the international student community is that in early May, the AP a…

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