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The Best New Year Gift for International Students: The University of Wisconsin Expands Enrollment by Double for International Students!

Happy New Year! Besides not being able to gather with family, the second biggest problem for international students must…


When Cyber students enjoy AP full marks

Looking back on my high school years, except for the period when I applied for college, the rest of my memories were occ…


New Year's New Weather: Four Rankings Became Three? U. S. News cancels publication of 2024 global rankings!

Presumably, some time ago, U S. The days when News released the 2024 ranking of the best universities in the United Stat…


Crispy college students break the defense: American universities withdraw their offer again in once again? Northeastern University mistakenly sent 200 offers!

Last month, Northeastern University confirmed that due to technical errors, nearly 50 incorrect admission notification e…


Countdown to ED/EA ranking! The annual selection of the Son of Heaven is about to be announced

As of December 1st, the early application stage for most American universities has ended, and I believe many students ha…


Frequent cancellation of GRE home exam scores? Come and take a look at the following precautions

The deadline for applying for graduate school is approaching, and I was suddenly informed that my home GRE score from si…


Applying for season papers but wanting to pick up any mistakes? Top 30 Low Threshold New Project Summary!

Towards the end of the application season, Xiaobin has recently received many private messages from colleagues in the ba…


Can't she become your dream school after working so hard to waive tuition fees and receive official recommendation for graduate studies?

The recent news that NYU fell out of the top 30 on US News has caused a stir among international students, and has also …


24Fall Meiben DDL Inventory: Striving for 100 Days, I Want to Top 50

I believe many 12th grade American high school students have a nightmare at the end of October every year because The E…


Heavyweight! 2024 US News Ranking of the Best Universities in the United States Announces the Mechanism to Reform Public Universities win thoroughly

The year 2024 is highly anticipated by international students S. The ranking of the best universities in the United Stat…

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