×Please focus on lightning protection for the five most disliked applicants in the red and black lists of Meiben applicants!


As the application deadline approaches, Xiaobin has recently received many private messages from classmates in the background, mostly about which types of students the school prefers to admit and which applicants it dislikes.
So today, Xiaobin will take a look at the classic minefields of American undergraduate applications and the applicants that admissions officers dislike the most.


1.Activity communication flower
Some students try to participate in as many club activities as possible, resulting in a very low level of participation in each activity. This method of "filling in resumes" does not leave a good impression on university admissions officers, and "brushing activities" is a common mistake for many Chinese students. Quality is always more important than quantity.
For universities, activities themselves are not the focus, and the number of activities does not determine everything. Universities place greater emphasis on the experiences and impacts gained by applicants through activities, as well as how you can integrate your own insights into documents. There are many applicants who have good exam results, GPA, and activities, but only one "you".


2.Make excuses
Everyone makes mistakes, so making mistakes is not scary. Universities understand this, but there is a difference between explanation and excuse. Providing reasonable explanations and actively admitting mistakes can be a sign of responsibility and maturity, but blindly making excuses and covering up one's mistakes will only make admissions officers feel bored.
We often see sentences in the applications of Chinese students: "My poor grades this semester are because many teachers don't like me", "I cheated on that exam because my friend forced me", "I didn't complete group assignments on time because my teammates were slacking off". This kind of shirking responsibility is what admissions officers dislike the most. Ensure that your answer is relevant to the application facts, including the impact of course adjustments, insufficient extracurricular activities, family circumstances, financial or health conditions on academic performance. Only by presenting oneself and the reasons for admission honestly and without affectation can one choose the school that best suits oneself.


3. Forcefully rubbing against unfamiliar bosses
Even if your mother is Trump's good friend, don't try to get a recommendation letter from Trump because it has nothing to do with you. Even though this recommendation letter may say that you are a very mature and responsible child, he may have only had a chance encounter with you and wrote a recommendation letter for you for the sake of your mother's face.
Unless you have truly worked with this "big shot", which means you have indeed had an intersection in work or study, such a recommendation letter may backfire. The best candidates to help you write recommendation letters are definitely mentors and employers who understand you well and can discuss your academic performance, motivation, growth, and commitment to university.


4. Award buyer
If the competition you are participating in requires you to pay a high bonus in order to win an award, it is obviously not a reliable competition, and the admissions officer will definitely be aware of this. Some students even fabricate unfounded competition names in order to win awards, which is absolutely unacceptable. Never spend money to buy an award! Because this is of no help to your application, competitions are not the only way to get to prestigious schools in the United States. Don't make mistakes and lose out on small things!
Of course, if participating in a competition requires a certain registration fee, this is a normal phenomenon.


  1. Mother's boy
    The target audience for university admissions is always students, not the parents and teachers of applicants. Some parents and institutions have full control over their students' college applications, from selecting activities to choosing universities, filling out application forms, and even personally assisting students in writing documents. The traces of such intervention are often very obvious, which can make admissions officers question the personal abilities of applicants.
    Of course, the most common problem Chinese students encounter is constantly mentioning in documents that "my parents hope I...". Although this can be mentioned, it should not be the primary reason behind every important decision. It is important for American universities to avoid excessive third-party intervention and showcase their independent personality and ideas during the application process!
    If you need to completely change yourself for the sake of a university, then you may not be as suitable for that university!


Please remember one thing: never underestimate the admissions officer. They have read all the techniques and tricks in the books. They will give positive feedback to sincere applicants, rather than those who love to be clever.
Xiaobin wishes everyone in advance to be admitted to their dream school! Students who have any questions during the application season are also welcome to scan the code and consult our assistant at any time~

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