×Good news: I graduated. Bad news: My major has been cancelled


I believe everyone has come across topics such as "graduating but the school goes bankrupt" or "successfully closing the school", but they are only seen as fun, after all, these are very few exceptions. Even if this situation does occur, it will only occur in smaller schools.


But recently, located in U S. News Top 30: Southern University of Science and Technology suddenly announced that the Computer Science Department under the School of Engineering will shut down some CS majors in 24Fall and increase credits!
Southern Canada shuts down 6 CS majors
According to the official website of USC's engineering school, starting from the autumn of 2024, the sub majors of the following computer science master's programs at Nanjing University will no longer accept applications and will be closed after local students finish their studies:
Computer Security
Computer Networks
Software Engineering
Intelligent Robotics
Multimedia and Creative Technologies
High Performance Computing and Simulation




Increase credit for core courses
According to the USC official website, Master of Computer Science M S. The credit requirements for Computer Science (General) have increased from 28 credits to 32 credits.

The other elective credits taken upon graduation from this degree need to be completed by selecting an additional 500 level CSCI course.
The reason for the cancellation of the major
Reduced market demand
The changes in industry demand and market trends may cause some majors to no longer meet the needs of the job market, and schools may cancel related majors to adapt to these changes. The changes in the job market will indirectly lead to a gradual decrease in the number of students enrolled in their corresponding majors, making it no longer economically feasible to maintain that major. Schools may also cancel some majors that cannot meet future needs based on future development plans.
For example, at the end of 2023, the University of West Virginia announced the direct cancellation of 32 out of its current 338 majors. Most of them are niche and obscure majors, including American studies, philosophy and religion, modern language, literature, music performance, landscape design, jazz education, etc.



  1. School adjusts resource allocation
    Schools may be adjusting their subject structure to provide more comprehensive, practical, or innovative courses. In order to improve the overall quality of education, schools may decide to allocate resources to more promising or popular majors.
    If the school is unable to recruit sufficient qualified professors and researchers to support a certain major, it may also consider canceling the major or choosing to merge related majors.
    USC establishes a new college
    Carol L. Fold, President of the University of Southern California, previously announced a $1 billion interdisciplinary computing research and education program to begin a School of Advanced Computing that will focus on artificial intelligence, machine learning and data science, augmented and virtual reality, robotics, gaming, and blockchain.

The School of Advanced Computing at the University of Southern California is affiliated with the Viterbi School of Engineering and will focus on researching technology fields such as healthcare, quantum computing, computational sustainability, and ethical computing. The headquarters of the School of Advanced Computing is located in a seven story, 116000 square foot computing hall. The building is currently under construction and will officially open in the autumn of 2024.

As students, it is inevitable that our major will be temporarily cancelled, and we can only prepare for the worst. Students who are still hesitant about choosing their major or want to switch majors can scan the code to consult Xiaobin!

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