×Frequent cancellation of GRE home exam scores? Come and take a look at the following precautions


The deadline for applying for graduate school is approaching, and I was suddenly informed that my home GRE score from six months ago was cancelled by ETS? Today, Xiaobin will share with you the common reasons for the cancellation of grades and the preparation strategy for home exams!
Frequently asked questions
Technical issues
Exam questions are stored on ETS servers located in the United States, which may result in network conditions affecting candidates in China, such as longer question loading times. However, the time required to load the page is not counted towards the candidate's answering time, so students in China do not need to worry too much. It should be noted that domestic candidates do not need to install additional VPN and other wall climbing tools, otherwise it may cause problems such as inability to download exam plugins.

If the student's network environment is too poor and the problem loading times out, the exam system will automatically terminate the exam. However, during the exam, there is no need to affect the exam mentality due to reconnection, as the time required to restart the exam will not be counted towards the answering time. The previous answering records will also be fully saved, and candidates will be able to continue answering questions directly from the interrupted location.
However, if a candidate's computer malfunctions, network connection is interrupted, or other technical issues occur, it may affect the normal progress of the exam. In this case, ETS may decide to cancel the grades, but there are also students who have disconnected and reconnected during the exam before continuing the exam. Not all grades will be cancelled, so there is no need to worry too much.
Abnormal action
The entire exam process will be recorded and recorded, and the examiner will observe the candidate's every move through a computer camera. During the exam, it is important to avoid unnecessary actions such as looking around that may cause suspicion from the examiner.
At the same time, ProctorU is also equipped with AI invigilation function, which can detect any abnormal phenomena and remind examiners to pay attention. Severe cases may even result in the final grade being held. But don't panic too much, just focus on the exam.
Preparation before the exam
elaborate on
Identity documents
Valid passport
*The certificate must be within its validity period
System requirements: Windows 10 or above;
Apple: Mac OS 10.13 or above
*Disable tablet, Chromebook, phone, multi monitor, or dual screen
Chrome (Google) or Firefox (Firefox)
Uninstalling remote software
Before the exam, all remote control software such as Zoom, Skype, and Tencent Meeting need to be uninstalled
Download exam software
1. ETS Secure Test Browser
2. Proctor U (for invigilation)
Both built-in and external network cameras can be used, and the room needs to be checked 360 degrees with the camera before the exam; Prohibit the use of any form of headphones
Whiteboard, whiteboard pen, whiteboard eraser
No specific dimensions or requirements
Exam room
1. Clean the desktop and bottom of the table in advance
2. Ensure to be alone during the exam, with the room door closed, and check the network environment
On the day of the exam
1. Item preparation
Before the exam, place the prepared ID, whiteboard, whiteboard pen, and whiteboard eraser on the table. Clean up items on the desktop that are not related to the exam.



2. Go online on time
It is recommended that candidates go online 15 minutes in advance. If they exceed 12 minutes, their eligibility for the exam will be cancelled. After clicking to start the exam, the system will take a photo of the candidate, which will be sent to the school along with the candidate's transcript. Subsequently, the system will require candidates to take photos of their identification documents.



3 Device detection
After going online, follow the prompts to open the pre downloaded Proctor U detection device. After the countdown ends, the program will automatically connect to the examiner.


Proctor U detection interface
4. Check the exam environment according to the examiner's requirements
After contacting the examiner, the examiner will have a conversation with the candidate via voice, and nervous students can also apply for a text chat.
The examiner will first require candidates to use the selfie function of their mobile phones to check the desktop and underneath, as well as items such as computers, whiteboards, whiteboard pens, whiteboard erasers, etc. Candidates wearing glasses may also need to have their glasses checked. After the presentation, candidates need to place their phones in the corner away from the exam area. Then, the examiner will require the candidate to bring their computer for a 360 degree surround display.
Finally, the examiner will use the invigilation program to request remote control of the candidate's keyboard and mouse. After clicking "Allow", the examiner will check the candidate's computer to ensure that all programs unrelated to the exam have been closed.



5. The official start of the exam
After the pre exam check is completed, the examiner will enter the ETS Test Browser to unlock the exam for the candidate. The interface that candidates will encounter next is completely consistent with the interface of the offline examination room (as well as the interface of the GRE official website mock exam). Candidates can take the exam normally.
After the end of the exam
After answering the questions, students will be asked to choose whether to retain their exam scores and choose a university for free transcript submission. After the selection is completed, the ETS Test Browser will automatically close.
After checking for accuracy, the examiner will ask the candidate to erase their notes, marking the official end of the exam. Most students will be asked to fill out another Proctor U satisfaction questionnaire.
How to argue if the grade is cancelled
Finally, if the grades are unfortunately cancelled, you can try contacting ETS to explain the situation. The contact information is as follows:
Email: gre-info@ets.org
Phone: 001 (609) 406-5430
The first choice is to send an email because the communication efficiency of making phone calls is too low. A classmate had to wait for half an hour before customer service answered.
The most important thing about exams is always mentality, don't be overly nervous. I hope this guide can help students prepare more thoroughly before the exam. If you encounter any problems during the preparation process, you can also scan the code to consult the assistant!

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