×How to select "true love" after becoming the "Sea King" of the application season


       May 1st is about to arrive, and as we all know, it is the deadline for most American universities to submit deposits to retain their degrees. After that, universities will gradually start issuing waitlists to determine the final results of their probationary status. Many students who have entered the waitlist already have several offers in their hands, but still feel unwilling to wait for the university to finally turn them into full-time employees. There are also many students who have already received a lot of admission letters, but are still struggling with which school to choose to further their studies.
If you have already received multiple offers
First of all! Congratulations on becoming such a lucky person!
In an era of strict selection by university admissions officers
You were the first to achieve a qualitative reversal!
Holding multiple offers for you to choose from
We always say that choosing the right university offer is like choosing the right "significant other" in life
Choosing the right one may be full of happiness and unstoppable momentum
If you make the wrong choice, you will feel like sitting on pins and needles, and it will be extremely difficult
What you need to do next
It is to comprehensively consider and select the most suitable future alma mater for oneself
Embark on college life with satisfaction
Here are some suggestions
Talk about classmates receiving multiple offers
How to make wise decisions.
At the end of the article, there will also be recommended websites to search for university information
01. Understanding oneself is more important than understanding the school
Have you ever thought about what you really need before considering which university is of better quality?
What can school resources bring you?
Can you accept a life that is different from in China, where you can drive for an hour without encountering a mall?
Do you want to directly choose to enter society and find a job after graduating from undergraduate studies, or do you want to continue pursuing a master's or doctoral degree?
Or perhaps you are not satisfied with all your admission schools and want to use them as a springboard to transfer to a better school in your sophomore year?
And do you want to return to your home country for development or insist on staying in the United States for your future employment?
Every time you become more clear about your future choices, your accuracy in choosing the right school will also increase significantly.
If you plan to graduate with a bachelor's degree and work directly, you should focus on the geographical location of the school and the direction of alumni. American universities can be roughly divided into three types based on their geographical location: Urban, Rural, and Suburban.
New York University, which has a strong alumni association, is a typical city university. City University has a more diverse culture, convenient transportation, no need to buy a car, provides abundant internship and employment opportunities, and helps with career development. In addition, local businesses in Texas, Illinois, and California are also very concentrated, and studying there can provide more job opportunities than others



For students who consider further pursuing a master's or doctoral degree after graduation, or transferring from their freshman to sophomore year, liberal arts colleges may become a very high-quality choice. The high interactivity brought by small class teaching makes it not difficult to obtain a professor's recommendation letter within one or two years (transfer requires a recommendation letter), and based on the high recognition of liberal arts and science in American universities, Graduates from humanities and sciences, especially those applying for graduate programs at state universities, will also have an advantage.





02. Further understanding of the school
(1) Reputation and ranking
For those who want to return to China directly with their education after graduating from undergraduate studies, there may be many schools in the United States that have low rankings but high employment rates and are favored by big companies. However, in the domestic employment environment, low ranked or unknown foreign schools often do not have an advantage in the fierce competition. Understanding the school's global and domestic rankings, as well as professional rankings, can also help you understand the overall level of the school.
(2) Evaluate the school curriculum based on your desired major
When choosing the school that best suits you, the curriculum and teaching quality are crucial. You should learn about the ranking, faculty, research achievements, and industry background of this school in the field you are interested in. In addition, besides checking the school's official website and U S. News professional ranking, you can also ask the senior students of the school you know, which will bring many real answers about the professor's level and course workload.
Taking Pomona College and Harvey Mudd College as examples, both schools are members of the Claremont Colleges. However, in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), Harvard College is renowned for its practical and innovative teaching methods, while Ponner College is renowned for its excellent humanities and social science courses. Therefore, when choosing these two schools, you need to weigh your interests and career plans.



(3)Considering the geographical location of the school
The geographical location of the school has a significant impact on your quality of life and career development. Choose a city or region that suits you, considering factors such as local climate, culture, and transportation convenience. In addition, if you plan to stay and work in the country after graduation, the employment market and industry development in the location of the school are also worth paying attention to.
In addition to the urban universities mentioned earlier, the other two types of universities also have their own strengths.
Rural universities are located in peaceful rural areas and offer a variety of outdoor activities. Suitable for nature enthusiasts, the environment is beautiful and comfortable. Campus life is close and there are various activities. Tuition and living expenses are relatively low.
Suburban universities are located between urban and rural areas, combining the advantages and disadvantages of both to provide diverse American living experiences. The campus is located near a big city, usually within a 20-40 minute drive to the city, providing both beautiful scenery and convenient enjoyment of urban life.



  1. Does this university's "vibe" match oneself
    The admissions officers of each university tend to choose students who match their school's VIBE when looking at student information and documents. Here are some vivid examples: some new students who were admitted to the same class at New York University were amazed to find that everyone's test results were very similar when sharing their Sixteen Personality Test (MBTI) in the freshman group, with most people having the first letter "E". This also confirms that the University of New York may be more inclined to admit some "socially" students. If you feel like a social bully, compared to some VIBE schools that are more academic and "nerdy", you may be more suitable for the University of New York or other urban universities.




(5)Tuition fees and financial burden
For most families, tuition fees and financial burden are important considerations. When choosing a school, it is important to fully understand the tuition fees, living expenses, as well as financial support such as scholarships and scholarships. In addition, the tuition and accommodation fees of liberal arts colleges are generally higher than those of comprehensive universities. You can check on the school's official website to ensure that the school you choose is financially affordable, so as not to bring excessive financial burden to yourself and your family.
Here are some rankings of the top 20 most expensive tuition fees in the United States for reference.




Finally, we will post some authoritative websites to help you obtain more detailed information about each school, so that you can make wise choices in multiple offers from prestigious schools.
Niche( https://www.niche.com/ )
Niche provides comprehensive rating and ranking information for American universities, including academic, campus environment, faculty, and staff. In addition, the website also provides comments from students and alumni, allowing you to understand the true situation of the school.
QS World University Rankings( https://www.topuniversities.com/ )
The QS World University Ranking website provides ranking information for universities worldwide, allowing you to filter by region, country, and major. In addition, the website also provides detailed information about the school, including curriculum design, teaching quality, and other aspects.
Times Higher Education( https://www.timeshighereducation.com/ )
Times Higher Education provides ranking information for globally renowned universities, covering multiple fields. You can filter and rank schools based on indicators such as academic reputation and research influence, in order to find the university that best meets your needs.
College Confidential( https://www.collegeconfidential.com/ )
College Confidential is an online forum about college applications in the United States, providing rich school information and application advice. Here, you can communicate with other students and parents, understand the advantages and disadvantages of different schools, and provide practical references for your choices.
U. S. News&World Report( https://www.usnews.com/ )
U. The S. News&World Report provides rankings and related information of universities in the United States, including academic reputation, student satisfaction, and other aspects. Through this website, you can obtain comprehensive evaluations and professional rankings of the school, providing data support for your choice.
Ministry of Education Study Abroad Service Center( https://www.csc.edu.cn/ )
For Chinese students, the website of the Ministry of Education's Study Abroad Service Center provides basic information about universities around the world, as well as guidance on application processes, study abroad policies, and other aspects. Through this website, you can learn about the study environment in various countries and prepare yourself for your choices.
Through these websites, you can obtain rich school information and student evaluations, providing strong support for you to make the most suitable choice among multiple offers. Finally, I hope this article can help you and wish you complete success during the application season, finding your ideal school!

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