×Breaking up! Brother Da permanently withdraws from the US News Ranking! How to get rid of unreliable rankings and choose schools reasonably??


“This decision is mainly due to our different values from US News, and university rankings should not be defined by some data.


      On Tuesday of this week, this well-known Ivy League university participated in a series of collaborations with the United States After News's love hate relationship, they finally faced their final break - permanent withdrawal from the US News University Rankings. Columbia University suddenly proposed not to submit any ranking data to U.S. News&World Report, which has become a major new challenge for this publication that has changed the competitive atmosphere of higher education in the United States through rankings.



Prior to this, we were all familiar with Columbia University, as well as well-known colleges and universities and the United States A series of awkward phenomena on News.
·In February 2022, a news report claiming that Columbia University provided false data to US News in order to improve its ranking swept across the international student community. Columbia University was currently ranked second in the US university rankings.
The cause was actually Michael Thaddeus, a math professor at Columbia University, who posted a 21 page review on his website regarding the ranking of Columbia University by US News. Questioning the authenticity of Columbia University's second ranked data in the United States, with a focus on questioning the authenticity of evaluation data submitted by Columbia University, such as Class size and Faculty with terminal degrees.


·After the scandal, the University of Columbia stated that they would not participate in the 2023 US News University ranking and refused to provide data. And by September 2022, the United States When News announced its ranking, it unexpectedly forcibly collected incomplete data from other sources, ranking Big Brother 18th. The sudden drop in Big Brother's ranking also caused a sensation in the study abroad community.
·In November 2022, Yale Law School and Harvard Law School announced their official withdrawal from U S. News World University Rankings. Columbia Law School also joined the rebellion.
·At the beginning of 2023, five medical schools including Harvard Medical School, Stanford Medical School, Columbia Medical School, Pennsylvania Medical School, and Mount Sinai Ican Medical School also announced their withdrawal from the USNews University Rankings.
·In February 2023, the Rhode Island School of Design, which has consistently ranked among the top art schools in the university, announced its voluntary withdrawal from the U.S. News ranking.



      Now, Columbia University has shown a more resolute stance on undergraduate rankings. School staff stated that the process of correcting mistakes they acknowledged last year helped the university reach a new understanding. Columbia University Dean Mary C. Boyce and three senior academic deans expressed regret in a statement regarding the potential "excessive impact" of rankings on potential students and how to condense a university's image into "a set of data.". "This ranking method has caused universities to lose a lot of personalization."
Regarding this, US News expresses grievances~U S. "Although our rankings provide valuable assistance to students nationwide, our critics tend to attribute every problem faced by the academic community to our rankings," said Eric Getler, CEO and CEO of News, in a statement. "Students should have a place where they can fairly compare schools to help them determine which university is most suitable for them."


    And in response to these protests and scandals, the United States News has revised its ranking metrics and announced on May 19th that it will no longer use alumni donations, class size, high school rankings of admitted students, and the proportion of teachers with lifelong degrees as measurement criteria. On the contrary, US News will place greater emphasis on the graduation success rate of the college among students from different backgrounds. Importantly, to some extent, this update is actually beneficial for Columbia University, as "class size" is considered a disadvantage for Columbia University's data. If Columbia University does not announce a partnership with the United States The ultimate rupture of News, his ranking can actually gain a greater advantage.


      Unreliable university rankings have become a common saying. We all yearn for the halo that high ranked universities bring us, but often this makes us overlook some important points, such as the school's geographical location, major offerings, whether it is suitable for us, academic atmosphere, and employment opportunities. Every university full of personality and warmth cannot be measured by cold and ruthless data (let alone frequent falsification of data!!). If we deliberately care about rankings, we can only become slaves and victims of rankings in the end. So, when ranking is only for reference, we also need to consider other aspects. For detailed instructions, please refer to the article "How to Choose True Love After Becoming the" Sea King "of the Application Season". I hope it can be helpful to you!


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