×During the epidemic, international students have become eye-catching bags?! Returning to the Peak of Studying Abroad in the United States: International students have skyrocketed by 63%!



”More and more American undergraduate and graduate students are starting to apply early, and the competition in the future study abroad market will become increasingly fierce

The COVID-19 epidemic in the past three years has brought many impacts to international students. Various factors such as travel restrictions, school closures, visa issues, and health and safety have led international and prospective students to have negative thoughts about their choices and intentions. At the beginning of May this year, the World Health Organization announced that "the COVID-19 no longer constitutes a public health emergency of international concern", ending the three-year global epidemic. The absence of wearing masks when going out, as well as the increase in cross-border flights, all mean a comprehensive recovery of various activities such as international travel and study abroad.



After the epidemic, the number of popular study abroad regions has reached a new high, and mixed application from multiple countries has become mainstream. Popular study abroad regions include the UK, Hong Kong, Singapore, Canada, Australia, etc. The United States, as the world's most advanced science and technology, the best academic resources, and the most mature education system, has always been the first choice for students and parents. Top American universities and graduate education are even symbols of identity for some Chinese families.



After experiencing a three-year trough, the number of people studying in the United States has returned to its peak. According to the report on the number of visas signed by overseas embassies and consulates to the United States released by the State Council of the United States, in the first quarter of 2023 alone, 5413 students from Chinese Mainland were granted F1 student visas to study in the United States, which even exceeded the level of the same period before the epidemic!
And this data represents not only the retaliatory trend of studying abroad after the end of the epidemic, but also the instigators of obtaining F1 student visas to go abroad and igniting this number this year are students who still firmly chose to study in the United States for three years after the outbreak of the epidemic and obstacles to returning home.
The latest application data released by the Common App of the American University Online Application System for the 2022-2023 application season shows that as many as 748118 new students have actually submitted early applications for American universities, with a total of 2853554 applications from American universities, an increase of 26.3% and 40.6% respectively compared to the pre pandemic application season. The number of per capita applications to American universities continues to increase, reaching 3.8, an increase of 11.8% compared to before the pandemic. The number of students submitting early applications during the 2022-2023 application season has seen an increase, whether they are local American students or international students.As many as 661815 local American students submitted early applications, an increase of 20% compared to the 2019-2020 application season; As many as 65232 international students submitted early applications, an increase of 63% compared to the 2019-2020 application season.China is the top ranked country of international student origin. These data have also dealt a harsh blow to the faces of those who spread the belief that studying abroad is a cold topic.
With the sharp increase in the number of international students, there are also tuition fees for American universities. This is not puzzling, as the pandemic has caused many century old prestigious universities (including the University of California, the University of Michigan, Rutgers University, etc.) to face financial difficulties and have to go on strike, suspend classes, or even go bankrupt. The sharp decline in the value of alumni donations caused by inflation undoubtedly makes it even more difficult to overcome the existing economic pressure, and raising tuition fees has become the only source of public and private universities.


   According to U S. According to official statistics from News, between 2003 and 2023,
The average tuition fee for private universities has increased by 134%
Public universities have seen a 141% increase in out of state tuition fees
State tuition fees for public universities have increased by 175%
Whether it's American high school, American undergraduate, or American graduate school, international students have much higher tuition fees than local students. According to official statistics, the annual estimated commuting expenses of Ivy League schools are generally over 80000 US dollars, while the tuition fees of Peking University are approaching 90000 US dollars per year, which means it will cost about 600000 RMB per year, which is 2.4 million in four years This is a significant number for any family.



But is a graduation certificate worth millions of dollars really worth it? Why do so many parents insist on sending their children abroad despite the soaring prices of studying abroad?


●Education quality: Education quality in foreign countries is higher, with a greater emphasis on cultivating students' creativity, critical thinking, and practical abilities. Students can improve their knowledge and skills by receiving better education. The essence of it lies not in blindly studying, but in integrating learning into life.
International perspective: Studying abroad provides an opportunity to broaden one's international perspective. By interacting with students from different countries and cultural backgrounds, students can learn about other cultures, enhance cross-cultural communication skills, and cultivate global thinking. This cultural exchange can broaden students' horizons, enhance their understanding and respect for different cultures.
● Employment and Resources: American universities typically have richer resources and opportunities, including advanced laboratory equipment, library resources, research projects, etc. These resources can help students better develop their professional knowledge and research abilities. Studying abroad can also increase the competitiveness of Chinese students in the international job market. The degree obtained by studying abroad is more recognized by international employers and has the opportunity to obtain better employment opportunities.
Personal development: Studying abroad is also beneficial for personal growth and development. Studying and living alone in a foreign country can cultivate students' independence, confidence, and problem-solving abilities. The freedom to live in the United States is to do whatever you want, pursue your goals, become what you want to be, without being criticized by outsiders, and even receive encouragement from strangers. These freedoms that can control one's own life are valuable experiences.
In the increasingly fierce competition for studying abroad, students need to consult professional teams in advance to ensure that they avoid taking detours. Binle Education in the United States is a renowned study abroad consulting company under the Binle Hui Group. With over 20 years of experience and wisdom, we have gathered admissions officers and outstanding graduates from prestigious universities such as Columbia University, Cornell University, and the University of Pennsylvania to provide the most professional guidance and excellent consulting strategies for students. Unlike traditional intermediary agencies, we have over a hundred dedicated senior advisors who are familiar with the admission process and preferences of prestigious universities, focusing on the application strategies and guidance of American prestigious universities. Combining our localization advantages, we have established partnerships with nearly a hundred prestigious universities around the world to provide students with more personalized, professional, and considerate consulting guidance. Based on in-depth research and understanding of various projects, we have successfully helped thousands of students enroll in top overseas universities. Binle Education in the United States is your guide and guard on your journey to study abroad, accompanying you towards the pinnacle of success.


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